When your kid pours the milk it will change colors as it rises to the top.

Image Credit: kidspot.com.au


23. Put a few dye pellets under the cap of your faucet.

Unscrew the cap to the faucet, put a pellet from an Easter egg kit under it, then screw the cap back on. This will make colored water come out of the faucet.


24. Make your kids chicken not pie with pudding and candy.


25. Switch the bags inside two boxes of cereal.

This is especially funny if you switch your kid’s sweet cereal with dad’s bran flakes.


26. Change the settings on your kid’s mouse or trackpad.

In your computer’s settings you can make it so that the cursor goes in the opposite direction than it normally does.

Image Credit: Flickr: eirikso / Via Creative Commons


27. Take a screencap of the desktop on your kid’s iPad or computer and leave it up full screen.

Your kid will be stumped why nothing happens when they touch or click on the icons.

Image Credit: Mike Spohr / BuzzFeed


28. Try this “dollar in a book” trick.

Sorry, kid. Mwahahahahaha!

Image Credit: Mothers-Home.com


29. Pack a surprising lunch.


30. Serve up a glass of juice that is really Jell-O.

That first sip will be classic.

Image Credit: MeetTheDubiens.com


31. You can also use gelatin to make this unusual glass of milk.

This “milk” actually is quite tasty and makes a sweet snack.


32. Paint a bar of soap with nail polish and leave it in the shower.

The soap won’t lather, which should give your kids fits as they try to get ready.


33. When your kids are sleeping, switch them into each other’s bed.

Waking up in their sibling’s room is a hilarious way to start April Fools’ Day.

Image Credit: Flickr: 25047992@N00 / Via Creative Commons


34. Pick up your kids from school wearing a funny wig.

When your kids ask about it tell them you went to the hairdresser while they were at school.

Image Credit: DJ Camoacho / Flickr: 99204945@N00 / Via Creative Commons


35. Plant “doughnut seeds.”

Ask your kids to plant some of these in the yard before they leave for school, then replace the “seeds” with real donuts to be discovered when they get home.

Image Credit: static.spoonful.com


36. Tell your kid you bought them an iPad.

“I’m sorry, sweetie, did I say iPad? I meant I bought you an eye pad.”

Image Credit: Medline.com


37. You can also tell your kid you bought them an iPhone.

How mad can they get when it’s made out of chocolate?

Image Credit: EverydayKiss.com


38. Replace Cheetos with carrot slices.

Open the bag from the bottom, swap the Cheetos for carrot slices, then glue it back together. Your kid shouldn’t mind — after all, they’re both orange, right?

Image Credit: Flickr: akeg / Via Creative Commons


39. Superglue a couple coins to the ground outside.

Image Credit: Flickr: jpstanley / Via Creative Commons


40. Make candied apples with onions.

Your kids will find this one hilarious…in a decade or two.

Image Credit: Jokeroo.com


41. Lastly, if you’re feeling really ambitious you can try this outrageous prank.

Tell your kid to lean close as you cut them a “slice.” Just don’t expect your startled kid to help you clean up the mess!

Image Credit: NoWayGirl.com
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